25 Jahre Erfahrung persönliche Beratung schnelle Lieferung exklusive Weine

2020 Vogelsang Riesling Kabinett

Flagge Weißwein
Weinart: Weißwein
Rebsorte: 100% Riesling
Flagge Deutschland
Land: Deutschland
Region: Saar
Qualitätsstufe: Prädikatswein
Ausbau: Edelstahltank
Stilistik: frisch, texturiert, fruchtbetont
Geschmacksrichtung: trocken
Alkoholgehalt: 10,5% Vol.
Trinktemperatur: 8-12°C
Suckling 95 /100
Vinous 95 /100
Wine Advocate 97 /100
Allergene: Sulfite,  Abfüllerinformation

99,50 €*

Inhalt: 0.75 Liter (132,67 €* / 1 Liter)

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit 2-4 Tage (Ins Ausland abweichende Lieferzeiten)

Produktnummer: 15559


The 2020 Riesling Serriger Vogelsang Kabinett is subtle on the nose, opening with smokier hints of slate that still clouds lemon and riper, juicier notions. It is on the palate that the full playfulness of that fruit becomes apparent: this is a Kabinett in a classic sense, off-dry rather than outright sweet, with tender notions of sweetish Mirabelle, citrus blossom and mandarin juice, encompassed by a stony, citric verve. Such lightness, such elegance, such poise, such brightness. The finish flickers with an overtone of pineapple, as befits the sunny 2020 vintage, but retains tone, tension and, above all, flavor. (Off-dry)

- Anne Krebiehl MW on (09/2023)

James Suckling

Very fresh and delicate nose of an entire garden of herbs, yellow grapefruit and pomelo. Juicier than the nose suggested with stacks of white tree fruits and citrus zest freshness on the medium-bodied palate, this is a youthful and very elegant riesling for the 2020 vintage. Emphatically dry and long for this theoretically off-dry category, but also finely etched. This has just reached its best youthful drinking form, but the party has only just begun! Drink or hold. (09/2023)

Parker – Wine Advocate

Basket pressed and vinified in traditional oak and stainless steel, the 2020 Vogelsang Kabinett is pure, bright and fresh on the highly delicate and flinty nose that shows precise and elegant fruit intertwined with the serious, flinty minerality of the gray and red slate soils of the domaine plus coolish vegetal nuances of nettles and mint. Round and intense yet light and filigreed on the palate, this is a pure, lush and round yet also very mineral, beautifully playful and palate-tickling Kabinett with less reduction than Molitor's Kabinetts usually show at this early stage. The sweetness is discreet and counterpointed by the immense mineral and saline drive. The finish is spectacularly long and tensioned, extremely complex and stimulating even at this age. This classic Kabinett reminds me of finest Scharzhofberger Kabinetts from Egon Müller. It is straight, sustainably saline, aromatic and charming. 10.5% stated alcohol. Natural cork. Tasted at the domaine in September 2023.

- Stephan Reinhardt (09/2023)
Domäne Serrig | Markus Molitor

Ehemalige Domäne Serrig | Markus Molitor – Saar-Rieslinge höchster Exklusivität

Der Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts gilt als das „Goldene Zeitalter des Saarweins“. Wer etwas auf sich hielt, trank